This is what you need to know about finding meaning in your career

Dessa Brennan
2 min readAug 4, 2017


It takes work.

On-going work.

And it starts and ends with you.

Anyone that tells you otherwise, or sells you a quick solution is not being truthful.

There is no quick way.

There is no silver bullet.

Not one person and the book they’ve authored or the coaching program they’ve developed will give you the answers.

Nor can they fill all of your needs. And neither will a single job either, mind you.

A coach won’t uncover the perfect job for you. Rather, they will ask the right questions to help you see the answer.

But make no mistake — the work starts, and continues with YOU.

All of the answers are both inside of you, and waiting to be discovered through the ACTION you take.

There is no substitute for action, yet not all action is created equal.

To take action that matters you have to first look inward —to do self-reflection. This isn’t a one-time deal either. It must be on-going. If that sounds too hard, or you aren’t willing to do it. Then you must be okay with settling for a career that may not be 100% fulfilling.

It’s okay if that’s what you decide, but be clear on that decision.

If you want meaning, and if you want fulfillment from your work, it takes work. There is simply no other way.

It can take years. It can take decades, but that journey is worth it.

As someone said, nothing worth having ever came easily. The systematic unfolding and uncovering of who you are and how you were meant to serve in the world are the same.

It does not happen overnight.

This may contradict what someone is selling to you, or may not line up with what you see on social media.

I promise you there is more work that’s been done beneath the surface. Things that may not be visible to you. Nobody is immune to this work. Not me. Not you.

Finding meaning takes time. Don’t rush it. Or expect it to happen on your timetable.

If you do, you will be disappointed.

It’s okay to get frustrated, but don’t let that rattle the process. The journey you’re on is worthy of taking, but you have to believe that. I can’t tell you that. You must decide that for yourself.

I’m on this journey — indefinitely.



Dessa Brennan

Waking up (like consciously on a spiritual level, not just from coffee...but also with coffee) & writing about it. “My Super Soul Summer” musings coming soon...